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Home » Competition and AGM, May 7-8th

Competition and AGM, May 7-8th

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Just to make sure you all know about the upcoming Competition and AGM weekend. We are hoping that we can have a record turn out and make it a really good weekend.

First the basics:

We are going to hold the Competition and AGM on the weekend of the 7/8th of May. Location is the south west of Scotland (not far from England, promise!). It is at Barfil Farm, Crocketford, near Dumfries, DG2 8RW. It is just off the A75, got a lovely sign with ploughing horses on and we will add a BHL one.

We will be holding the main competitions on Saturday and if there is some horses still to run we will continue on Sunday morning. The AGM follows on Sunday 12pm after the price giving.

You are welcome to turn up Thursday onwards if you fancy helping to set up things on the Friday, or travelling with horses. If you come with horses please bring electric fencing, hay and a bucket for water. There is a stream there and we will get an IBC tank with water..

For people who haven’t been before here is what is happening: There is lots of camping and horse grazing available, we will have a social round the fire on Friday and let everyone settle in. Saturday morning we get ready, meet at 9 to see about the running order and have a run through the obstacle course for everyone to see how to do it (or not). We will start both obstacle course and Fell and Extract in the morning and keep going till hopefully everyone has had a go. There will be food at lunch, just simple bread and cheese to grab, bring something to share if you can. In the evening we will have a big BBQ and some beer round the fire.

Sunday will see the last of the horses compete, maybe some pairs or people can have a go with someone elses horse.

Everyone is welcome to participate. If you are not a BHL member it would be nice if you leave a donation for food. Horses that attend should be calm and well handled. We are happy to run novices (both people and horses) but only if it is safe to do so.

So please all come, we would love to have a big crowd. Come to compete, to meet or just to watch. Bring your family and friends and lets enjoy.

People who would like to compete in the Fell and Extract please bring your up to date chainsaw ticket and insurance. and correct PPE. You cannot compete without it.

Please get in touch with any questions, and otherwise just come!

Steffi and Dave