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British Horse Loggers

Hire a Horse Logger

Horse logging is the extraction of timber using horses as ‘flexible power source’ with a wide range of traditional and modern implements. Horse loggers work through the whole range of timber produced in British woodlands; from small coppice poles and firewood, through thinnings in soft and hard woods up to final crop – large saw logs in soft and hard woods.

There are successful horse logging contractors working throughout the United Kingdom. They work on private estates, in our state forests, for the woodland and wildlife trusts, for our statutory agencies, national and local bodies and authorities, voluntary groups and for private owners of large and small woodlands.

Horse logging has considerable benefits. It is the ultimate low impact extraction system and is especially effective in sensitive woodlands. Horse logging allows for a highly selective sylvicultural management of our woodlands resulting in a high quality of woodland management and woodland care. Horses can extract timber effectively and safely through standing timber without causing any damage to the standing crop, compacting the soil, or causing damage or disturbance to the flora and fauna.

Advantages of horse logging


  • Selective fell and extract
  • From coppice and first thinnings to final crop
  • Hardwoods and softwoods
  • PAWS restoration and continuous cover
  • Difficult access sites
  • Sensitive sites

Low impact timber extraction

  • No soil compaction
  • Soil fertility maintained
  • Soil erosion avoided
  • No damage to standing timber

Environmental benefits

  • zero CO2 emissions
  • Spares micro-fauna and ground flora
  • Avoids topsoil loss or peat wastage
  • Bracken control without herbicides
  • No oil escapes
  • High bio-security

Horse logging can appear to be expensive, superficially. It is highly skilled and complex work and demands a premium. When the quality of the work is taken into account along with the low impact, the lower reliance upon expensive infrastructure, such as stoned roads, and the lack of costly reparation, the cost equation evens out.

Horse logging is not an outdated and outmoded relic of a previous age. It is a vibrant and continuous tradition that has an important niche in contemporary forestry and does not threaten or challenge more conventional systems, seeking rather to complement and enhance those systems.

Horse loggers perform other important services in forestry. Controlling bracken, brambles and other invasive weeds, scarifying to encourage natural regeneration, moving fencing materials, tools and equipment as well as working in establishment.

The BHL have a range of Members offering Horse Logging services. Firstly our Professional Register gives access to BHL Committee approved contractors. Their application to the committee must be supported by a detailed portfolio of evidence including proof of current and adequate insurance, emergency planning, the completion of a competent contractor questionnaire and references for work completed.

The standard demanded is high. Those accepted have a proven track record over a period of years. This means that those on the Professional Register have demonstrated their ability to work to the highest professional standards and their work is recommended by the British Horse Loggers.

Secondly we have Working Members who are available for work but who have not applied or been accepted as members of the Professional Register and landowners using this list must make their own judgement as to the ability and experience of those listed.

Our Approved Contractors

Those accepted onto the BHL Approved Contractors Register have a proven track record over a period of years. This means that those listed below have demonstrated their ability to work to the highest professional standards and their work is recommended by the British Horse Loggers.

Steffi Schaffler and David Roycroft

South West Scotland

Kate Mobbs-Morgan

Monmouth, South Wales

Frankie Woodgate

South East of England

Kevin Taylor

North and Mid Wales

Toby Hoad

Dorset, England

Daniel Brown

South East of England

Andrew Whitaker

Perthshire, Scotland

James Foster

James, Wessex Working Horses 

Steffi Schaffler & David Roycroft

t. 07811 947878 / 07851 390378 /01387740945

David and Steffi are based in South West Scotland and have 3 horses working. We use a variety of equipment from the swingle tree, ulvins arch to the swedish forwarder. Other services include bracken bashing and horse drawn lawn mowing. We also carry out our own felling and advise on woodland management. Also available for shows. Firewood for sale locally.

Kate Mobbs-Morgan

t. 07986 337205

Rowan Working Horses is based near Monmouth, South Wales. Kate generally works through South and Mid Wales, up into the Midlands and down into the South West.

Frankie Woodgate

t. 01233 850860 / 07929 202963

Based in the South East of England – Weald Woodscapes is a company dedicated to the goal of sustainable, low impact woodland management. With over 20 years experience and specialising in management of ASNW and PAWS restoration. Services include. Horse drawn timber extraction, all types of felling, mobile sawmilling, horse drawn bracken control, management planning and training courses.

Kevin Taylor

t. 07795 262818

Kevin Taylor, Shire Cross Logging carries out Woodland management, Bracken Bashing and Horse Training. Covers North and Mid Wales including the English border

Toby Hoad

t. 07984 488894

Full time woodsman, offering low impact timber extraction, felling, bracken rolling and experience days.

Daniel Brown

t. 07515437145

Daniel works in the south east of England and services include timber extraction, bracken control and training horses and people.

Andrew Whitaker

t. 07714757040

Based in Perthshire. Works throughout Scotland and the north of England

James Foster

t. 07773812503

Wessex Working Horses is based near Tisbury in Wiltshire. We work across the south west, home counties and into south Wales. We offer a timber extraction and felling service as well as bracken rolling, wild flower meadow creation and management. We also offer horse logging demonstrations for shows and country fairs.


Working Members

We also have many BHL members who can be hired for horse logging work.

Those shown below are full members of the BHL, however, this listing does not constitute endorsement by BHL. Potential clients may wish to obtain references as to experience and competence and to verify adequacy of insurance cover.

Will Hampton

t. 07592 004523

Dartmoor Horse Loggers

Jonathan Booty
Park Farm Horse Logging

t. 07765 923762

Timber. Mowing. Land work.
Based in South Lincs

Roy Murray

t. 07748115681

Horse Logging and Working Horses, based in The Scottish Borders

Clifford Griffin

t. 07760 308441

Griffin Horse Logging and Tree Surgery, located on Norfolk/Suffolk Border

Andrew Letten

t. t 07795384172
01943 462665

Based in Wharfedale using native ponies: horse logging, bracken rolling and fencing.

Chris Wadsworth

t. 01287 634017 / 07531 331440

Chris is based in the North East of England

Jeff Shea

t. 07899 743351

Based in Norfolk

Katy Barr

Based in Stroud Gloucestershire

Katy is working in the Cotswolds

Tom Dutson

t. 07769 676536

Woodland management including timber extraction with native Dales and Fell ponies based in Cumbria

Peter Coates

t. 01274 499040 / 07957 939935

Peter is based in the West Riding of Yorkshire near to Ilkley Moor, Haworth and the Leeds/Liverpool Canal

Matt Waller

t. 07814 003787

Hawthorn Heavy Horses, based in Chelmsford, Essex

David Skinner

t. 07786 984324

Cotswold Horse Loggers Dave & Harry are based near Burford in West Oxfordshire.