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British Horse Loggers


Any Contractor needs to be fully aware of Biosecurity Guidelines as set out on the Forestry Commission web site, and to keep up to date with developments. The basic principle is “Clean In, Clean Out”.”

Contractors are advised to make enquiries of woodland managers as to biosecurity issues on site, and conduct a Risk Assessment, taking measures proportionate to the risk.

Personal Biosecurity (Footwear, Clothing)
Wear footwear and outerwear that can easily be kept clean.
Clean footwear and outerwear regularly; ensure they are visually free from soil and organic debris.

Vehicle Biosecurity (Cars, vans, timber lorries, and forestry machinery, such as harvesters and forwarders)
Clean vehicles regularly; do not let mud and organic debris accumulate on tyres, wheels or under wheel arches. Clean vehicles thoroughly before entering a new site.

Working Horse Biosecurity
Remove any organic debris from the horse and pick out feet before removing the horse from site at the end of the days’ work.
If the horse is not kept at the work site, ensure that any overnight stabling or grazing is away from any woodland other than that currently being worked.
Thoroughly groom and brush out of any dried mud on the horses’ body or legs before starting work.
Before moving to any fresh woodland site, comprehensively clean the horse in a non-woodland area, including a thorough wash out of body, legs and feet.

Equipment Biosecurity
(All associated equipment: harness, swingletrees, chains and implements, and tools such as spades, chainsaws and secateurs.)
Restrict the equipment taken onto a site-take only what you need for the task.
Ensure all tools and equipment are clean, serviceable, and free from organic debris.
Thoroughly clean all equipment before moving to another worksite.