Horse loggers, supporters and enthusiasts. Join us!
Membership is currently just £30 per year for standard membership, and provides a wide range of benefits including:
The BHL aims to be an inclusive, supportive and informative organisation. Membership benefits for all:
Additional membership benefits for horse loggers:

Join or Renew Membership
In order to join the BHL, we require completion of the membership application form, which can be downloaded by clicking on the ‘Download Membership Application Form’ button or you can complete the application online by click ‘Online Application’.
You can also use the options below to Renew you Membership.
You can pay membership and course fees by;
a) cheque made payable to British Horse Loggers to the treasurer at Kelbank, Lea Lane, Cottingley, BD16 1UF
b) by transfer to our bank account sort code 08-92-99 account 65197343
Please included your name as a reference with any bank transfers